Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21

 I have to say, I really do enjoy reading the Old Testament.  While it might be hard to read through and understand sometimes, all of the rules and the regulations that God intended for the people of Israel to keep were meant to separate them from the rest of the world and keep them holy unto Him. It was impossible to live up to that standard of God's excellence but it didn't make the people of Israel less holy in God's eyes. We read in Leviticus today that in order to worship people needed to be prepared. The part that gets missed through the lesson is that the preparation to worship and stand holy before God happens in our hearts, not through dietary laws or rituals.  Just as the people of Israel were set apart, so are we as believers and followers of Jesus. God called the people of Israel out of Egypt to set them apart as a unique nation dedicating their lives to Him alone. Have we not dedicated our lives to that same God?  Isn't that what was the cross for? Isn't it true that the veil which has been torn spiritually separates those who believe from the evil of this world?  Because of the cross haven't we been washed by grace which now makes us holy before God?  Much like the Israelites, our faults do not make us less holy in His eyes.  In our reading in Mark today, the woman who was bleeding knew that by Jewish law if she touched Jesus it would cause Him to become unclean by their cultural standards.  But what does that show us about Jesus? Doesn't that show His divinity surpasses laws of humanity?  His love, mercy and grace go far beyond the law.  This nameless woman had a shameful problem that under the law would have ostracized her from society,  but instead she was healed by the love of our Father that flowed through Jesus. There is nothing we have ever done that is so shameful we can't bring it before God that would cut off His love to flow through Himself and spiritually cleanse us. I pray we never allow our fears or distorted worldviews to keep us from approaching God and receiving His grace.


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