Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Exodus 26:30  

Set up the tabernacle according to the plan shown you on the mountain

God made it very clear that He wanted a place to meet with the people of Israel.  He gave some very specific directions on how he wanted the Tabernacle built, what it should look, and how it should be decorated including all the colors. When you stop and think about the intricacy and intimacy behind all that it is hard to comprehend. I often wonder if the Tabernacle was a glimpse of what heaven looks like but I guess we'll find that part out at a later time.  As I was reading this though I was in awe of the communication between God and Moses.  So much detail made so very clear.  Being in this listening series has made me realize even more that Moses had such a unique relationship with God. Moses must not have had many distractions so that he could get all those vivid details right (not counting of course the distraction of the Israelites complaining).  I found myself longing for that kind of communication with God.  I started to wonder what details of God's plan for my life am I missing out on when I'm distracted or rushed in the morning and miss my quiet time.  In our Proverbs reading today wisdom and understanding are personified and in verse 6-8 we read about listening to the voice that speaks what is right and true.  The same voice that spoke all the details of the Tabernacle to Moses is the same God that will speak what is right and true into our lives. We just need to be still and "know that He is God" to allow Him to work through us.  I pray that this "whisper" series has touched and moved others the way it has moved me. I continue to pray Lord, I don't want to hear anymore, please teach me to listen.


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