Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 28

THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015

2 Samuel 13:1–39

John 17:1–26

Psalm 119:81–96

Proverbs 16:6,7



In John 17, we read Jesus’s great High Priestly prayer before heading to the Cross.  The prayer naturally includes many references to God’s sovereignty, and Jesus’s praises and requests provide insight into God’s desires for us individually and corporately as the Church.


Jesus explains that “now this is eternal life:  that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”  (John 17:3)  Eternal life begins and ends with a relationship (to “know” God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ).  It doesn’t center around God’s blessings or our actions, but rather it focuses on the relationship between God and His children.  When we align our heart-desires with knowing God more deeply, we will experience the joy and peace of eternal life, which continues from the moment of trusting Christ for salvation into forever.


Jesus then highlights several elements by which truth permeates and transforms the human heart:  “I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.  Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you.  For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.” (John 17:6–8)  God the Father directed the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to certain disciples, who then obeyed His Word.  They accepted the “words” from God, “knew with certainty” that Jesus came from God the Father, and then “believed.”  God similarly reveals Himself through Christ in the lives of even modern-day disciples, speaking to us through His Word and then proving His genuine provenance from the Father.  Believing in His Name, disciples then become obedient unto Christ and bring “glory” to Him (John 17:10)


Jesus then offers three requests on behalf of His disciples and the forthcoming throng of believers:  for the Word so that they might overcome trouble; for protection; and for love or unity.  The Word would allow the believers to become sanctified (“set apart”) for the Kingdom.  God would sovereignly choose to reveal His Word, but, for those who had trusted in Christ, the continued revelation of the Word would effectively carry them through the world.  Recognizing that His followers will remain in the world, living as salt and light, Jesus also prayed for our protection.  He anticipated the world’s persecution and disapproval, but this prayer suggests that the Kingdom would ultimately prevail.  Lastly, Jesus urges that His followers would live in unity, both experiencing and revealing the Communion of the Trinity for the sake of advancing the Kingdom.


I find it heartening to consider that God would desire our unity or love as believers to play such a role in evangelism.  It is a great joy to co-labor with Him to this end.  Still, when we consider the calling, we often fall short.  God set us into motion with unity through giving us of the same Spirit, but, in our sinful pride, we each wish to “go our own way.”  The division and enmity between believers takes away from the glory of God.  Thinking about these shortcomings causes me to wonder, “How may I become more fully surrendered to the Kingdom’s purposes so that my selfishness won’t be a hindrance?  How may I promote unity and demonstrate godly love?”  How about for you?



Lord Jesus, thank You for Your great provision for Your children.  We give You all praise and honor, for You, Lord, have revealed Yourself to us by Your good pleasure.  Thank You for this privilege!  We join You in asking the Father for a greater revelation through Your Word, protection from the evil one, and deeper love and unity among our Body.  Strengthen us to bring glory to Your Name.  In Your Name, amen.

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