Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13

1 Samuel 14

When I was reading about Saul I couldn't help but think of the old expression "You can' judge a book by it's cover". Saul had a good physical appearance, and he was known for his personal courage, but his leadership abilities didn't match the expectations created by his appearance.  As we go through the reading we learn he lacked communication skills, created a curse that jeopardized his son's life, and ignored the safety of his soldiers. I don't think his impulsive nature was a character flaw. Much like my own weaknesses, I think his mistakes came from lack of focus on God.  This was the topic of our small group discussion last night.  When we misplace our focus and take our eyes off of God, our weakness becomes magnified. Our weaknesses should always be our reminder of our desperate need for God's guidance. After many years of bad decisions, Saul finally realized he couldn't turn to God as a last resort and built his first alter to God.  The confirming lesson I learned from this is that I have to go to God in prayer first.  When I admit I'm weak, that's when God fills me with his strength.  Appearance is nothing but an empty shell when we don't seek God first.  Lord I pray we all continue to seek you first before we make any decisions and that our weaknesses remain constant reminders of our desperate need for you.


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