Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15

Luke 17

In her book One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voskamp emphasizes the importance of gratitude. Many who read the book took up the challenge of a "blessing  book" in some form, the goal being to write down 1,000 blessings, or ways you found yourself grateful. It took me a really long time getting to my first 1,000. Perhaps I made it harder than it needed to be and finding gratitude in soap bubbles just didn't cross my mind. What I started to realize though is that there is simplicity in gratitude and now not only do I write three things I am grateful for at the end of each of day, I ask Antonio and the boys to participate.

We read in our passage today that "Jesus came to Jerusalem". Let's remember where this triumphal entry was eventually leading Him. Even still, He healed 10 lepers, but only one came back to show gratitude. I started to think about this, aren't we all lepers in some way? Don't we all suffer from something? It could be a physical illness, pride, greed, selfishness, the list is endless. The reality is we are all sinners saved by grace, and still daily Jesus offers us a way to say "thank you Lord". Lord, You are worthy of our praise and gratitude. Thank you for loving our souls, Your breath in our lungs, the relationship we live in with You, Your spirit to fill our hearts, the fullness of Your glory. I pray Lord You make us wise today to see life through Your eyes, and let us be grateful to serve as you served, with love. Thank you Lord for provision and protection. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to give thanks in all circumstance for this is God's will for you in Chris Jesus. What are you grateful for today?


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