Friday, March 23, 2018

Thursday, March 22


"After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax book   'Follow me,' Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him." (Luke 5:27,28)

On several occasions, Jesus calls for the early disciples to follow Him.  We find Andrew, Simon Peter, James, John, and Matthew (Levi) quite eager to drop everything to follow Him.  Why would they take that course unless they sensed the divinity and uniqueness of Christ right before them?

As Jesus calls His disciples, He does not sugar-coat the path ahead.  He explains that discipleship carries heavy costs in terms of potential disruptions to human relationships and sacrifices of our plans, property, and lives.  Yet, we also understand that discipleship brings us in union with God's plans and purposes for our lives, yielding peace and joy.

How about us?  We often hesitate in following Jesus because the pull of the world is quite strong.  We might be richly blessed in this life, so much so that our hunger for God's plans grows dim.  Or, we may seek comfort in other idols outside of God, leading us astray.  Whatever the case, the call of Christ remains the same:  "Follow Me."

We will do well individually and corporately to follow Him wholeheartedly.  As we look ahead to Easter, we see the Cross before us and the Emoty Tomb.  We know that Jesus has made it possible for us to follow Him by freeing us from the power of sin and death.  He has brought victory over darkness through the Resurrection.  May the power of the Resurrection be fully activated in us as we willingly follow Him.

Lord Jesus, thank You for making clear the path of discipleship.  Thank You for calling us to what will bring us freedom, joy, and peace.  Strengthen our faith so that we may become more effective and fruitful in following You.  We trust You today and look forward to seeing how You will move in our lives over the coming 10 days.  May You be glorified in us.  In Your precious Name, amen.

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