Monday, March 19, 2018

Blog Post Monday March 19th

A Prayer Of Gratitude For And Preparedness By The Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1-14)
Lord I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit. You have given him as my counselor and helper.  You have given him to teach me, guide me, empower me, and to be with me.   I can rest in the assurance that I am never alone and I am never without the power needed to excel in or overcome or endure anything that comes my way. 
Sometimes life, both physically and spiritually, can feel as if I am wandering in a dry and dismal dessert thirsty and hungry for something more, for something better than this life.  It is at these moments when I am weak that the enemy perks up, senses opportunity and rushes in with the hopes of overpowering me.  The enemy often times knows my weaknesses better than I and tries to come along side me and throw me down so that I feel defeated and not focused on you.  But I am blessed Lord.  This is when your Spirit has the opportunity to shine so very bright in me, when He becomes the strength I lack, the understanding where I have struggled to comprehend, the vision that brings clarity to my blurred sight.  Your Spirit is the strength and power when I am too weak and the enemy is no match for the power and truth that your Spirit imparts.  In my weakness your power is made perfect through the Spirit.
Lord, your Spirit will be my helper and bring to mind your truths when I need them most.  Help me, though, to always remember the importance of not just reading your word but imprinting it in my mind, committing it to memory.  Help me to remember that when I do I give fuel to the fight against my enemy as the Spirit will help bring to the forefront of my mind these truths which I have given time to and they will become my sword of defense.  You were my example during your desert experience and I want to learn and grow from that example.
I am also aware, Lord, that when one battle is won another will be on the horizon.  It will come when the enemy believes the opportunity is ripe to strike again.  I want to be ready and I want to help make those opportunities fewer and shorter.  May your Spirit fill me today and speak to me, teach me, encourage me, and empower me.  Use your word and Spirit to fill my thoughts with truth today.   I want and need to know you, your love, your grace, your mercy, your compassion, your understanding, your forgiveness in my life today.
Thank you, Lord, for the hope and comfort you bring in knowing that I never have to walk the desert moments, or any moment, without the love, guidance or power of your Spirit.

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