Monday, March 12, 2018

blog post Monday March 12th

A Prayer For A Life Lived In Complete Trust Of The Lord
"But as for me, I trust in you."  Lord, these words were written by David about you and I long to be able to speak them for myself with confidence and without doubt.  I want to speak these words from a place of faith and hope, not in myself or in man but in you, God, in your power and faithfulness.
I want my trust, hope and faith to be more than just words but to be actions seen in my life.  Actions that don't have to be big but can be seen in the little day to day things.  I want to live a life of faith and trust like the three women who went to your tomb early in the morning after the Sabbath.  Lord they knew the obstacle they faced in anointing your body, a huge stone lay in between them and the task they felt called to.  A massive guarded stone lay in the way and they knew they physically could do nothing to move it.  Despite this obstacle, your word tells us that before they left for the tomb, and without knowing how to overcome their biggest hurdle, they purchased the spices to anoint you.  They didn't waiver from what they felt called to do.  They didn't suggest that they find a way to move the stone first and then buy the spices.  They didn't look at this obstacle and deem the task, the journey impossible and abandon it.  No Lord, they put their faith, hope and trust in you, they put it into action by a simple act of buying the spices needed for the act and then leaving the details of how to get around this obstacle to you.  They left it in your hands to provide a way and they were going to be ready when you did.
That is how I want to live Lord.  My life is full of obstacles, challenges, disappointments, struggles, and impossibilities.  It is full of stones too big for me to move.  But, I know to you each of these are mere opportunities for me to grow my trust, my hope and my faith.  Each of these are opportunities for me to see your limitless power at work.  Lord help me to know how to prepare myself for the works you are doing and will do in my life.  Help me to develop my trust, my faith and my hope in you to provide when I can't always see a way.   I don't want to miss even one opportunity to see your power at work and I don't want to be caught unprepared to be a part of any either.
Lord, may your spirit be my strength, my guide, my encourager, and my light as I seek to live a life of hope and faith where I can say with certainty, with confidence and joy, "But as for me, I trust in you."

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