Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sunday, January 4, 2015

I never get tired of reading the story of Noah and his family. Ordinary, everyday people with ordinary, everyday flaws. And yet God chose them to be the only eight people to be saved from the otherwise total annihilation of every living thing on the earth. God called Noah a righteous man, blameless, and one who walked with God. How awesome is that?

I don't even have to wonder if I would be capable of doing what Noah did. Unless God directed my every step, there is no way I'd be able to be that obedient. It took many years for the ark to be completed and all the while, Noah's neighbors must have been laughing at him and taunting him and basically just calling him a crazy old man. And yet he continued the work until the ark was completed and all the creatures of the earth were safely inside. How awful it must have been for the eight to hear the cries of the people once they realized that God had shut them out of the ark.

And then cooped up for a year on that boat with all the animals and just the immediate family for company. It's no wonder that one of the first things Noah did when they were able to come out was to plant a vineyard and sample the new wine. Ordinary, everyday people!

We're told of God establishing his covenant with Noah through the rainbow. And of the promise to never again destroy all life by a flood. We learn of the generations that come through Noah's sons and that Noah lived 350 years after the flood. No mention is made of Noah having more children after the flood. I'd like to picture Noah and his wife enjoying their lives and their grandchildren throughout that time. And one day Noah hearing God say to him, "Well done. Good and faithful servant."

Lord, may I be obedient to fulfill your will for my life. Help me to remember that you are always in control and that I can trust you completely. Your way is the only way, no matter what the cost. In Jesus name. Amen

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