Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12: Keeping Up with the Isaacs

Genesis 26:17-27:46
Matthew 9:1-17
Psalm 10:16-18
Proverbs 3:9-10

What a seriously messed up family. First, Esau has no appreciation for what the Lord had given him - his birthright - which he bartered away for a meal he might've made himself had he been willing to suffer the pangs of hunger just a bit longer. Then, coached by his mother, Jacob goes and steals the blessing he knew his father meant to give his older brother...aided and abetted by his mother, who happened to be his brother's mother as well! Little wonder Esau is so angry, and prepared to visit violence upon his brother, forcing Jacob to flee, just as his father nears death. Seriously: a storyline to make even the most improbable of reality shows proud...and all of it happening to the family of the man through whom God has promised to form a great nation - His people.

Human thinking would interrupt at this point and ask "Hang on a second, Lord. Are You sure You want to do this? I mean, surely there must be someone out there more worthy of being the root of your people, once removed?"

Well we know how the story ends. Jacob and Esau reconcile, the Lord builds a great nation from Abraham through Isaac, and uses this family - this fallen, misbegotten, quarrelsome, reality-show-before-tv family - to draw the line to Jesus, who saves mankind from the rightful punishment for our sins.

For the longest time, I didn't understand why it was God seemed to bless people like Jacob and Isaac, Esau and Rebekah. Today, I still do not understand - but I am grateful that He can use such imperfect people for His glory. Because just as He used them, and just as He called Matthew, that means He can call me and use me.

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