Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Numbers 19-20, Luke 1:1-25, Psalm 56, Proverbs 11:8

Numbers 19-20, Luke 1:1-25, Psalm 56, Proverbs 11:8
            I've been debating all night, which passage to focus on from today's reading.  I know there is so much to say about Moses, the water from the rock.  I also know that there is so much to say about the first four verses of Luke, and who Dr. Luke was!  There is so much we can see in the beginning life of John the Baptist and his parents.  What stands out to me the most though, is God: who He is in these very different times, with all these people, all who were very, very different situations.  God is Unchanging and He keeps His promises. 
            In Numbers God hears His people (over and over again.)  He is Provider by bring water from the rock.   He is Judge and demands honor:  He punishes Aaron and Moses "Because [they] did not trust in [Him] enough to honor [Him] as holy in the sight of Israelites."  Because of this disobedience and doubt by this community they personally never entered the Promised Land that they were journeying to for four decades.  God was just by doing this, but He also shows His mercy and grace by brining them all there eventually and by continually providing.  He didn't have to do that.  Even in this punishment God loves and blesses Moses.  Moses is remembered for His faith and obedience even though this was a big event in his life.  God forgives.
            Luke 1 shows us how we should (and should not) live as a follower of God.  Zechariah and Elizabeth are described as being "Upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commands and regulations blamelessly."  What an example and testimony.  Even though they loved and followed God, we know they were older in years, and they had no children.  I can imagine the prayers, the sadness, and the anger Elizabeth (and her husband) must have had in the early years of their marriage when they could not have children.  God was just waiting for the right time.  He was waiting to fulfill the prophesies of John the Baptist that were first spoken of in the Old Testament.  He blessed their obedience and their walks by giving them a son who would prepare the way for Jesus.  God kept His promise and Provided.  He was Wise in his timing and showed love.
            Psalm 56 is a psalm from David after he is taken prisoner.  It's a psalm of fear, tension, and tension, but still joyful.  Attributes of God are called upon and celebrated.  We know He is Merciful, Protector/a Refuge, and we can TRUST in Him.  We can out our trust in Him when we are afraid (if God is for us, who can be against us.)  We know He gets angry (as we saw earlier in Numbers) and He does extend His Wrath to those who do not obey and rust Him (other nations.)  He wants praise.  He is Deliverer from death (spiritual death…our flesh will die, but with God we have the promise of eternity.) 
He is a Good and Great God.  It amazes me how He is the same from the beginning to the end.  It is the same God who spoke to Moses, who protected and comforted David, who sent Gabriel as a messenger to announce the birth of John the Baptist, and is the same God who I follow today. Gives me goosebumps.  My prayer this week has been to fall in love with Him more.  He is amazing…I want to know Him more.           

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