Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 9 - Pride and Humility

Numbers 11:24-13:33
Mark 14:22-52
Psalm 52:1-9
Proverbs 11:1-3

I really love today's New Testament reading.  I knew, of course, that Peter denied our Lord thrice, after professing undying, unshakeable loyalty...I DID forget that even before he denied our Lord, he was unable to stay awake - he fell asleep more than once, even after being called out.  Perhaps he was not aware of it, but he certainly was a proud man.

The first definition of the word "pride" in reads "a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc".  It would seem that Peter's opinion of himself was, in fact, inordinately high.

Pride would seem to have been the cause of Miriam and Aaron's sin as well - an inordinately high opinion of themselves that led them to believe they deserved to be acknowledged before Israel as Moses was, that led them to question and challenge the hierarchy God had established.  And one might conclude as well pride led the people to grumble about the Lord's provision, effectively telling God what He had chosen for them was inadequate, and they deserved what, in their eyes, was better.

Moses, in contrast, was a humble man.  And in this regard, I prefer the definition given to me a long time ago, by a very wise teacher.  Humility, in his opinion, was not the ability to put oneself down, to diminish oneself; to him, humility was to recognize the truth.  Moses recognized the truth - He recognized who God was, and manifest that recognition in his deference, submission and obedience to God.  And when he prayed, God answered his prayers.  

The proverb today says as much - "when pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom".  I find it so difficult even to begin to consistently recognize God for who He is, the way Moses did.  I manifest that in so many ways, big and small, over the course of my day...when I neglect my prayers, and scripture by choosing to give something else priority; when I get frustrated by the circumstances I face, circumstances God, in His perfect love for me, would have chosen; when I worry about the future of my children when He has already made clear He loves them and they are in His care.  

Father, please give us the gift of humility that allows us to recognize the truth - of Your existence, of who You are, of Your love for us, and our complete dependence upon You.  

PS - I came upon this story today, and it would seem to epitomize the words from today's psalm - "I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.  For what you have done I will always praise You in the presence of Your faithful people.  And I will hope in your name, for your name is good."  The pastor in the story would seem to have the kind of relationship Moses appears to have had with God, the relationship I believe many of us aspire to have with our Lord.  So if you are up to it, please click on this link and read the story of the pastor whose words in response included "I sort of got over the tears and braced myself, and the Lord has been good, He's been my strength."

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