Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9

Read Genesis 22-23

A snow storm is coming on Saturday. Use that time to catch up on your reading.

Be sure to go to the blog and register.
We will be switching to an all blog method soon. Monday is accountability day!!!

Genesis 22, one of the most dramatic chapters in the Bible. The drama started when Abraham was 75 and God told him to pack-um up, move em out – “I'll let you know when you arrive at the spot I have in mind for you.” So Abraham believed God and moved out of town.
Then when he was 90, God promises a son. Abraham believed a second time.
When Abraham was 99 the promise was reconfirmed. Abraham believed a third time. Isaac is born when Abraham was 100 years old. Isaac’s name means “He laughs” and Abraham knew that God is a promise keeper.

As we pick up story in Chapter 22 it is several years later, perhaps as many as 20 yrs later. So picture in your mind a young man, who can bench press 250 pounds and run the 40 in less than 5 seconds and a father who is 120 years old and barely able to push the remote control buttons.
I can only imagine the delight that Isaac was to Abraham and Sarah during those years. After the long wait, the child of promise arrives. And everything he does fills their hearts with joy.
But a problem started to develop. This miracle son was slowly invading the center of Abraham's heart. How could a child like this NOT move deeply into his heart? Isaac was starting to take the place where God should be. This would create huge problems if it wasn’t corrected. Not a problem for God but a problem for Abraham. So God stepped in to save both Abraham and Isaac from the consequences of a misguided love. God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son.

This testing is not a testing that is designed to cause someone to fail. It is a testing like that of metal, the purpose is refining and purifying. This testing would remove the imperfections and leave the metal genuine. Just as the metal is heated to molten temperatures, impurities rise to the top and then they are skimmed off, so God uses difficult circumstances to purify our faith. He wants us to be more than fair weather believers. And the only way to toughen us up is to turn on the heat. Abraham did not complain to God. He believed God a fourth time, he knew that God was working all things out for good. He believed that God's plan was to prosper him and not harm him. God's plan would give him hope and a future.

We will all be tested in the coming days. With our country going through tough economic times we will find out what is at the center of our hearts. Is it the dollar or God?

What is your greatest treasure? You son, your daughter, your possessions, your financial portfolio, your career ... or is your greatest possession God?

Tests are actually opportunities to show what is at the center of our lives. Put Jesus at the center.

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