Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13

Genesis 29-30 The Original Desperate Housewives.

What a mess!! Rachel and Leah are locked in a cruel contest. In their jealousy and competition they end up using Jacob as a pawn in this game of marital chess. This is not what God designed for marriage. I will buy a night of pleasure with you because I bought you for three Big Mac’s. Come on!!! There is a serious departure from the original plan of God for marriage to be a place of intimacy. These are the words that describe this marriage: Suspicion, jealousy, competition, misery, tears, fighting… where is the LOVE? We can learn from Jacob’s experience that when we don’t follow God’s plan for marriage, we shouldn’t expect happiness. Obedience brings reward and disobedience brings pain… all the time, every time. In our world today… we have most couples living together before marriage… even the non-Christian sociologists will tell you that couples that live together before marriage are five times as likely to have their marriage end in divorce. But people still think they know better than God. Or if marriage seems unbearable right now, the culture tells you … find a new partner, someone who is more compatible with you. What the world doesn’t tell you though is that your new partner won’t be perfect either. Marriage only works when we do it God’s way.

If you haven’t emailed me with your reading status, do it today.

It is only with accountability that we will finish this journey together.

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