Friday, January 25, 2019

Jan 25

Matthew 16

The story is told about a business traveler who was stranded at O'Hare airport in Chicago during a snowstorm. He approached the harried counter agent who was trying to book dozens of frustrated travelers on other flights. The man approached the counter, cutting ahead of the line, demanding to be cared for right away. When told he would have to go get back in line, he pressured the agent, forcefully saying, "Do you know who I am?" The agent picked up the microphone at the counter, accessed the public address system, and said, "May I have your attention please? We have a gentleman who seems to have forgotten who he is. If there is anyone who can help him discover his identity, please help the poor man out."  The cranky passenger realized he had been bested and sheepishly took his place at the end of the line.

We are all like the frustrated traveler; we too need someone to tell us who we are. Before any of us can journey with Christ, we must know who He is and who we are in Him.

In the conversation between Peter and Jesus, we gain clarity on both. Jesus clearly accepts his identity as the Messiah, the "anointed one" of Israel. This is the first time in history that this declaration was made. Declaring Jesus as Messiah will give us incredible confidence and security as we face the gates of Hell each day.

But in this story, Jesus also changes the identity of Peter by calling him "Rocky." Knowing who we are is essential to our victory each day of life.

I frequently struggle with my identity, so I have a list of declarations that I verbally proclaim.

I am a son of God.

I am a disciple of Jesus.

I have the keys of the kingdom in my hands.

I am in the care of a sovereign God.

I am assured that all things work together for good.

I have been bought with a price; I belong to God. My soul is of infinite worth.

I am free forever from condemnation.

I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.

I can find grace and mercy to help in time of need.

I am born of God, and the evil one cannot touch me.

I am committed to God and the building of His eternal kingdom.

I am always taken care of.

I am a temple of God.  

Join me today in declaring Jesus as Messiah and proclaiming our identity in Him.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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