Friday, November 16, 2018

November 16

Ezekiel 33

Becoming Watchmen


What is the role of watchman? Ancient cities were protected by walls. Watchmen were posted along the walls to warn their families, friends and neighbors of any approaching enemy. They were responsible for the safety of the entire city. They always had to stay alert and sound the trumpet when danger was imminent.

So, who are the watchmen today? Who is going to say there is danger ahead, the enemy is approaching, we are under attack? Will the CBS and CNN news anchors sound the alarm?  Will politicians warn us of the approaching horsemen of the apocalypse? Sadly, even Christ followers have gotten caught up in the spirit of the age and have neglected this sacred duty. Rather than warn of the imminent danger we have actually joined the enemy forces. 


What are the enemies that are approaching the gates?

1. Godlessness: living life without centering everything on our relationship with our creator.

2. Consumerism: thinking the accumulation of stuff will satisfy our souls.

3. Socialism: putting government as the savior of our nation.  

4. Comfort: living with my comfort and safety as the highest goal.

5. Destruction of the family: even attempting to change the definition of a family.  

6. A culture of death: death and violence dominate our entertainment. We are so confused we're unable to define when life begins and how it should end.  


There has never been a better time for us to offer the alternative of living according to God's light.


"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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