Monday, November 5, 2018

Blog Post Monday November 5th

A Prayer For Our Heart Foundations To Be Right (Ezekiel 12:1-14:11)

Lord you are good and holy.  Your truth is precious and not something to take lightly or to muddle with our own opposing or self desiring thoughts.  You are patient beyond our understanding and gentle with those who are humble and sincere in heart.  Lord, you are also swift to end rebellion and reveal the consequence of disobedience.  You do this for the benefit of those you love, wanting to see hearts restored and lives brought back into the blessings your truth holds.  Lord may each of us today check the foundations of our hearts, our lives.  May we make sure that our thoughts and desires are based on you and your truths and not selfish gain or our own thoughts that have not been weighed against the truth of your word.  May we treasure and delight in time spent reading your word and may we make it the authority in our lives as well as the map that guides our steps in every circumstance we encounter.  Lord reveal any idols we have in our hearts, anything lord that we cherish more than you, anything that has greater delight in our lives than you, anything we do or put before you and the time we spend with you, Lord, any idols of this world we cherish in our hearts we ask you to reveal to us, to convict us and then strengthen us to remove them from the place of honor that only you deserve.  Lord those idols can prevent us from being able to hear you and to see clearly your truth and the best path for our lives.  These idols become a wedge between us and you and nothing should come between us, that is why Christ came to die on the cross so that the wedge of sin and shame would be removed and we would be restored to a right relationship with you.  Help us to remove the wedges, the idols we have set up Lord.  May we not be deceived by the lies that they offer and the empty promises they attach themselves to.  Lord help us to see clearly that you alone are the most precious gift we have.  Help us to see that you and your truth are the most important things we need in each day and when we put you and your truth first, when it is the foundation of our day and ultimately our lives we can live in a peace that transcends all understanding knowing that you will never leave us or forsake us but always be here for us to rest in and find joy in.  Thank you Lord for being who you are and loving me even when I fall short.  You truly are my good good Father.


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