Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Nov. 14

Hebrews 11-12

Hebrews 11, the infamous "Hall of Fame", outlines Jewish heroes who, by faith, followed God in spite of obstacles and even persecution. Each person knew the assignment given to them by God and walked worthy of their calling. What an incredible example this sets.  As we get into chapter 12, it doesn't read "By faith, Jesus ran with endurance the race set before Him", but let's look at what it does say because I think it goes way deeper than that.  "For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame; and He has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of God".  Do you really think that Jesus would have gone to the cross if He didn't know He was 100 percent correct in that this was the only way that we could be made right with God? Take a moment to think about that, AND He did it with joy!  Nothing else mattered to Him because He knew when it was all said and done, He was going to sit down at the right hand of the throne of God and we would not only have salvation but we would also spend eternity praising Him!  Yes, our Old Testament heroes were great examples of faith in action, and Jesus is the initiator and perfecter of that faith!  He doesn't replace it, He completes it. So knowing this is truth and holding onto God becoming a part of the human family so that we could become a part of his heavenly family,  keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, how would you fill in this sentence, "by faith, _____________________ (fill in your name), did___________________.  Here's mine: Being born into a Jewish family, by faith, Randi stepped out and received Yeshua as her Lord, Messiah, The Word that became flesh. By faith, she believes what she can't see, believes all Scripture is God breathed and runs the race set before her.  I pray we all make a statement of faith knowing that God is faithful and will keeps His covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. (Deut. 7:9)


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