Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Aug. 15

Psalm 34

I used to do Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31 Ministries. One of the studies we covered was based on the verse from Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction".  As we studied, we learned that Biblically "fear of the Lord" actually referred to honor, respect, and a state of being in awe.  We see that in this Psalm as well in verse 9. "Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing." In the context of the Psalm, David is calling on God for protection as he pretends to be insane before Abimelich.  As we read through David's Psalms we learn that even in David's imperfections, he was in awe of God, held Him in reverence and called upon Him in times of fear and struggle. There are two words in the Bible that I look for when I read passages.  The words are "so that". In school when we teach writing we would refer to these as connecting words, much like answering the question "why" with "because". We hold God in awe "so that" when we go through struggles and fear we know we are not alone.  We hold God in reference "so that" when life doesn't make sense we are not trusting in what we see, but trusting in Who we have faith in. No doubt we live in a fallen world and we can't live in denial of all that happens around us and to us. I do believe we are praying to the same God David prayed to because God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Like David, I am in awe of God and hold on to His word and His promises "so that" I can make it through my day.


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