Sunday, April 29, 2018

April 29


Luke 24:13-33

One of the things I often complain about, is the lack of time or the passing of time. I feel like time is just flying by. I often wonder and worry if I use the time wisely enough. I ask myself if I enjoy the days, and the people in my life as I should. Daily, I try to find a balance between enjoyment, and the things that need to be done. So many times, though, I just find myself frustrated and helpless when it comes to the passing of time.  Just 4 weeks ago I gave birth to my baby boy. I already need to put away his newborn clothes, because he doesn't fit in them anymore. I am happy that he is healthy and growing, but part of me fears that it's all going too fast.

In Luke 24, we see Jesus walking with two people from Jerusalem to Emmaus. He shows interest in their conversation, asks questions, listens to them without interrupting. He even takes the time to explain the Scriptures, not superficially but thoroughly, from Moses and all the Prophets. He says yes to their dinner invitation. He doesn't seem to be stressed about time or a "to do" list. He could have revealed Himself to them in an instant. Why bother with all that walking, talking, explaining and dining? Who has time for that?

Jesus is relaxed about time because he did come so we can have life in abundance (John 10:10) and that abundance includes time. He came and died on the cross, so we can have eternal life. Eternity is defined as "infinite or unending time". "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. What would happen if instead of being focused on the scarcity and futility of time, we would see things in the context of eternity? Instead of getting bitter about getting old, just remembering that we, and everybody else are eternal souls.

"Thinking well and often of eternity is not a doom-and-gloom prospect. When we deny the reality of eternity or live in ignorance of it, we're missing out on God's joy." Gloria Furman

"Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs" Jonathan Edwards

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