Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April 18th

Luke 19: 1-7

I truly love how this passage begins.  "Jesus entered Jericho and was "passing through".  I don't know that Jesus ever just "passed through" places idly.  He is The Messiah, on a mission.  We read in verse 10 of this passage that "The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost".  That doesn't sound like someone who was just "passing through".  I can't help but think that Jesus knew exactly where Zacchaeus would be that day.  Jesus even provided a tree for him to climb up so he could get a good look, and when Jesus reached the spot, He looked up and called him out by name. Then, Jesus shocks the crowd and goes to Zacchaeus' house! (Still think He's just "passing through"?)  In John 10:3, Jesus tells us that He calls His sheep by name and leads them out.  Clearly, Jesus called His sheep Zacchaeus by name and let him to salvation. He has done the same for us. Jesus knew exactly where Zacchaeus was that day both physically and spiritually.  He knows the same about us as well.  We were lost sheep who Jesus called by name and now we are redeemed sinners, saved by grace, sons and daughters of the most High God.    In Mark 2:17 Jesus said "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Knowing that makes me feel a lot better about facing my day. I pray God puts someone in our lives today that we can share this message with.


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