Friday, July 21, 2017

Thursday, July 20


"For the wages of sin is death, but the [free] gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

48 years ago today, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, marking a fitting resolution that America would reach the moon before the decade ended.  While the country has sent other manned space probes, the U.S. ended its Apollo program with a final mission to the moon in December 1972.

While great scientific knowledge has allowed us to probe the heavens and investigate the seas below, we struggle to understand human nature and our purpose for living in this earthly tent.  Why are we here?  Why do we all experience pain, with some undergoing tremendous difficulties?

This verse neatly summarizes God's relationship with humankind.  Our sin -- cosmic treason against our loving Creator -- has brought us spiritual separation from Him, ultimately leading to spiritual "death."  Yet, against that backdrop, God has intervened by sending His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to suffer in our place and to provide the gift of eternal life.  This one verse highlights God's rightful justice towards sin and yet His amazing mercy and grace demonstrated to us through Christ.

In 1 Timothy 6:19, Paul speaks about the "life that is truly life."  I love this expression.  It brings to mind the many temptations that offer a pale comparison of the wholeness of life found in Jesus Christ.  We miss the full depth of joy by seeking out some fleeting happiness.

Have you experienced the firstfruits of God's gift of eternal life?  If not, would you like to know more?  If yes, how may you grow more into the image of Christ so that you may take hold of the "life that is truly life"?  (If you'd like to discuss any of these topics, please message me.)

Lord Jesus, thank You for providing the free gift of eternal life.  Thank You for seeing us not as hopelessly lost, but rather as worthy of Your love and grace.  Give us a deeper picture of this "life that is truly life."  Make us more into Your image so that we may honor and glorify You today.  In Jesus's Name, amen.

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