Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1st, 2013

Of battle and song...

Today we read a very familiar story in the book of Exodus. Moses and the people of Israel were led by God to the Red Sea, a unconventional route to Caanan. The people have camp with their backs up against the Red Sea. When they see the Egyptians coming to attack them, they panic. But God has another plan. God opens up a trench for them in the sea, and allows them to walk to the other side on dry land. The Egyptians follow them into the valley of water. This is where the battle happens. It's not what your mind would expect, with swords drawn, or arrows flying. The Egyptian army was in full pursuit of the Israelites, but the Israelites would not even have to lift up a pitch-fork or shovel to defend themselves. God proves He is their protector. The defense against the Egyptian onslaught begins by God twisting their chariot wheels, and confusing the army of Egypt, and the finishing blow is that God folds the walls of water that they were walking between over the Egyptian charioteers, and they are all drowned. There are a couple of things that I wanted to point out. Before they fled through the sea, God moved his protecting Angel and the pillar of cloud and fire between the two camps, and holds back the Egyptians (Ex 14:19). And when they are in the trough between the walls of water, it says that God looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud (Ex 14:24). God himself was there with them, and he fought the battle! Then after the destruction, comes the song. The people lift a song of praise to their God, their Salvation!

Our worship leaders at Grace go through this battle and song aspect every week. Satan does not want to hear people lifting high the name of Jesus, so he attacks our group of worship leaders. We battle throughout the week, and then we lift a song to our Lord!

This week Joe will be leading us in a new song that goes along these same lines. It is called "Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)" by Chris Tomlin. Take a listen, and enjoy!

Sent from my iPad

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