Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Samuel 25-27, 29-30, I Chron. 12

I've never been a crazy "girl power" kinda girl, but I love reading about these great women of the Bible, cause I will take all the help I can get!!  Knowing some context of these times, it's known that not many marriages were based on love and romance.  Nabal (a descendant of Caleb and his name means "fool") was a very rich man.  He has lots of livestock, a household, servants, wealth, and a beautiful wife, Abigail. "She was a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance, but the man was harsh and evil in his doings." (Chapter 25:3)  From the behavior we see in a few verses, I don't think he was much of a charmer or wooer with anyone.  This must have been a tough marriage.  We can gather that Nabal keeps up to his name, by acting foolish.  It is known through the land that David is chosen as the next king.  He has gained popularity and fame with his victories and songs that have been sung about him.  In 25:10 Nabal plays the fool and almost mocks David as being a nobody, a servant breaking away from the master.  He dooms his household to death by turning David's messengers away empty handed and by mocking them.  No bueno. 
As I said, this is probably not the first time Abigail has had to do damage control for her husband.  I have heard her called "The Peacemaker."  She knew God and knew His favor was on David, and she knew her husband had actions and selfishness had put them all in danger.  She took action: with out her husband's knowledge she quickly left the house with offerings and supplies for David (not a typical role or behavior of a woman) and she met David while he was on his way back to Nabal's home.  We see her humility and wisdom: she didn't use her looks, her money, or status to gain favor with David, but she rode a donkey, fell to her face on the ground (desert=dust=not very attractive after traveling) and she begged for mercy, asking that the blame be on her (even though she had no idea that David had sent servants until after they were dismissed.)  What a brave girl!  She trusted God and His plan surrounding David.  Se knew God was on His side and fought His battles.  Faith.  Trust.  David was impressed with Abigail and God used her to calm his anger against Nabal and possible bloodshed. 
We know God is good.  Abigail was a good wife to Nabal and still sensitive and submissive to him (talking to him after he sobered up.)  God's judgment hit this foolish man he was dead within 10 days.  David heard of his death and sent for Abigail to be his wife.  He knew of her faith and had seen her wisdom.  Abigail was obedient and went to him with a servant's heart (she bowed her face).  Now we also know that this was a picture perfect marriage.  David already had a wife (well, really he had 2 at this point) and goes against God's design of marriage.  There are many man struggles that they will encounter as time goes on, but in this moment, in this chapter, it looks good.  Either way, we can all learn from Abigail, and I like being a girl.      

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