Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Bible blog 14th October 2020

Bible Blog 14th October 2020

Jeremiah 23: 21-25:38

2 Thessalonians 2: 1-17

 Psalm 84:1-12

Proverbs 25: 15

While reading psalm it's as if the writer longed to get away from the busy world to meet God inside his dwelling place. We can meet God anywhere, at any time. But we know that going into a church building can help us step aside from the busy mainstream of life so we can quietly pray and meditate. We not only find our Joy in a beautiful building but also in prayers, music, lessons, sermons and fellowship. 

The pilgrimage to the temple passed through the barren valley of Baka. Baka can mean "weeping", and it may have symbolic references to the times of struggles and tears through which people passed through on their way to meet God. Growing strong in God's presence is often led by a journey through barren places in our lives. The person who loves to spend time with God will see his or her hardship as an opportunity to experience Gods faithfulness even more deeply. If you are walking through your own valley of Baka today, be sure your pilgrimage leads toward God, not away from God.

God does not promise to give us everything we think is good, but he will not withhold what is permanently good. He will give us the means to walk along his paths, but we must do the walking. When we obey him, he will not hold anything back that will help us serve him. "Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage." Where does your strength come from? God? Or your own will-power? Have you set your heart on a pilgrimage toward God? 

We later see in Psalm the verse "Better is one day  in your courts than a thousand elsewhere." And I immediately thought of the song "Better is one day" by Matt Redman that we sang in church. What does this verse mean to you? Why would one day in God's courts be better than one thousand elsewhere? All these questions make you think and reflect on your relationship with God.

I pray that even during these times of the virtual world, that we are still able to safely go out and spend that quiet time with God, that we are still able to have fellowship. I pray that we accept God's invitation for salvation and repent of our sins, 


Aimee Spencer

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