Saturday, February 8, 2020

February 8: Of Instructions that DON’T. MAKE. SENSE.

Exodus 28:1-43

Matthew 25:31-26:13

Psalm 31:9-18

Proverbs 8:12-13

Today's Old Testament reading is a reminder that our God is not just a big picture God, He is a God of exquisite, intricate detail.  What God asked of the Israelites - the wandering tribe that they were at the time - was not easy.  Breastpiece, ephod, robe, woven tunic…the ephod of gold, with blue, purple and scarlet yarn, finally twisted linen.  Even gold filigree and braided chains of pure gold. Such complexity, at great effort and difficulty even today - more so at the time.

I can only imagine there were not a few Israelites who looked at the instructions and asked why a self sufficient God would have need of such things, would have need to make such great imposition of a wandering people.  I can imagine there were many who did not think any of it made sense.  

The fact is, so much of what God asks, or does, doesn't necessarily make sense in man's eyes.  Take the greatest example of instructions that don't make sense - if one knew, as Jesus did, one was going to be killed, and by whom and where, earthly wisdom would compel them to stay away from place and person involved.  

Those who acknowledge the omnipotence and omniscience of God know that nothing happens that He hasn't permitted out of His perfect love for us, and according to His plans for us.  Earlier in Matthew we read that two sparrows, sold for a penny, will not fall to the ground outside of our Father's care.  How then do we respond?  We have two choices, and neither of them involve understanding: faith and obedience, or distrust and disobedience.  And we have two good examples - we know from subsequent readings that the Israelites obeyed God's instructions, and Jesus went willingly to the cross.

Father, when we wrestle with Your commands, seeking understanding before obedience, approval before acceptance, remind us that Your ways are above ours, Your thoughts are above ours, and give us the hearts, the minds and the bodies that obey in faith, not requiring understanding.

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