Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31

John 19

It is time for us to talk about the cross again. Symbols are important in a culture, but only if they have meaning. I heard the story of a teenager going to a jeweler and asking him for one of those crosses with the little man on it.

For the cross to have significance again we must be living witnesses of its power. In our text today it says, "The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe."

We are now the witnesses who tell people the truth. We testify that the living Jesus has changed our lives and risen from the dead. But this testimony must be taken to the streets. Of course we talk about it when we gather as a community of believers, but we have to take this message to people far from God.

Think about this…  Jesus was crucified at the crossroads of three cultures… His title was published in Hebrew, Latin and Greek. He was crucified on a town garbage dump at the kind of place where people talk smut, and thieves curse and soldiers gamble.

Because that is where He died, that is where we ought to live.

C.T. Studd one of the world's greatest athletes said, "Some want to live within the sound of church and chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell." 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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