Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24

John 13

By this all men will know that you are my disciples,

if you have a lot of money….no

if you have a great worship service…. no

if you have signs and wonders…. no

if you have deep Bible studies and sermons…. no

if you have lots of programs…. No

if you love one another…. YES

There is no person in the history of our entire planet who has had more impact than Jesus. Jesus had a plan for the continuation of his impact when he left. He did not tell us to get elected to political office. He didn't tell us to form an army, or even to write a daily blog.  No, he told us to radically and boldly love people.

Jesus made it clear that this radical and bold love would be the defining sign of his followers. He was staking the ultimate success of his kingdom on this one command: love one another. If we fail at this point, we miss the whole mission.

A bold love asks, how can I lay down my life for another?

A bold love asks, how can I wash your feet?

A bold love asks, how can I pray for you today?

A bold love asks, can I buy you a cup of coffee?

A bold love crosses barriers and builds multicultural friendships.

Today our skeptical culture does not need more arguments about the truth; they need more love from our hearts. Boldly love people today and open the door to the life-giving power of the gospel.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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