Wednesday, May 15, 2019

May 15

John 8:21-30

The relationship between Jesus on earth and his Father is a mysterious wonder.   We read about Jesus going off alone to pray but there was a communication between the Father and the Son that was totally invisible. The mysterious life of Jesus on earth is humbly gripping.  Jesus was totally in tune with his Father. The harmony between them is total and divine. In our reading today Jesus is trying to tell people that He is in fact one with the Father and was sent by Him to share the good news of the Kingdom of God with the world. He also refers to his crucifixion and resurrection when he tells them "when you have lifted up the Son of Man then you will know that I am He." What a vivid reminder that our salvation cost Jesus everything and this should open our hearts to realize the extend of His love for us. It is when we see Jesus lifted up on the cross that we realize who He is and why He lived. God, incarnate, came to rescue us and Jesus is trying to make his followers aware that only when he is lifted up on the Cross will they understand. The cross reveals God to us. Not to over simplify this but Jesus hanging on the cross is the ultimate answer to the question asked of Him, "Who are you?"  So what is our take away?  If we want to see how closely our daily life is aligned with Jesus's priorities, look at the cross and ask one question: "How do I spend my time?" If our hearts and our lives are tied to this world, can we really be seeking Christ? Prayer time is very precious to me. I have learned that our time in prayer is where we allow ourselves to soak in the mystery of the loving companionship of God.  Much like when Jesus went off to be alone with Abba, we too have been designed by God to be alone and soak in His presence, listen for His voice realize that we have been called to be a part of the mysterious wonder.


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