Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Bible Blog 8th May 2019: Listening



Bible Blog 8th May 2019: Listening

1 Samuel 2:22-4:22

John 5:24-47

Psalm 106:1-12

Proverbs 14:30-31


Eli's story is a clear warning for us, as Eli's sons knew better and they continued to disobey God deliberately by seducing, Robbing and cheating people. Any sin is wrong but sin carried out deliberately and deceitful he is the worst sorts. When we sin intentionally the consequences will be more severe. We must not ignore Gods warnings about sin, before sin becomes a way of life we must abandon it. We also see Eli watching his sons sin and not doing any disciplinary action, he honored his sons more than God by letting them continue this sinful way.  Is there a situation in your life, family or work that you allow to continue even if you know it is wrong? If so you may become guilty as those engaged in the wrong act. Listening and responding is vital in a relationship with God. Although God does not always use the sound of a human voice, he always speaks clearly through his word. To receive his message is we must be ready to listen and act upon what he tells us. Like Samuel be ready to say "Speak Lord for your servant is listening" when God calls you to action.


In finding faithful followers, God may use unexpected channels. So we must be prepared for the Lord to work at any place at any time, through any one he chooses. God given joys may seem empty when sin dominates our lives.

But there is always hope, and in John 5:24-47 it says for those who accept Jesus and the word will have eternal life. In our daily lives let us seek God's love and not others let us give praise to Jesus and appreciate what God has done in our lives,






Proverbs 14:30-31

" A Heart at peace gives life to the body but envy rots the bones. Whoever oppressed the poor shows contempt for their maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God".



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