Saturday, December 8, 2018

December 8: Of God's Interventions

Hosea 10:1-14:9
Jude 1:1-25
Psalm 27:1-5
Proverbs 29:15-17

I write this having just been through the airports of Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur in just the past 2 weeks.  More than US airports, these are crammed with luxury goods stores.  You can obtain (or aspire to obtain) so many things:  chocolates for a hundred dollars;  liquor for thousands of dollars; watches for tens of thousands.  The KL airport even had a raffle display - the grand prize: a brand new Aston Martin DB11, to help even those who, like me, are middle aged, fat and balding, to reach their inner James Bond. 

Experience tells us these things do not satisfy.  A person dependent on wealth, on possessions for his security and completion is never fulfilled.  There is always one more expensive drink to try, one more complicated watch to buy, one newer model of a fancy car to drive.  It would seem little different than the condition of a drug addict, constantly looking for that next hit, oblivious to the reality of his deteriorating condition.

Hosea references this in today's reading.  "Israel was a spreading vine; he brought forth fruit for himself.  As his fruit increased, he built more altars; as his land prospered, he adorned his sacred stones."  Israel was addicted to prosperity, and as he obtained it, his focus shifted, from the Lord, to prosperity.  Today's reading goes on to say "The Lord will demolish their altars and destroy their sacred stones."  It goes on to tell of the suffering in store for the people as a result of their choices and actions.  

There are many today who would condemn God for allowing Israel to suffer the consequences of her choices.  But, in today's parlance, God is conducting an "intervention", which in this context Merriam Webster defines as "an occurrence in which a person with a problem (such as a drug addiction) is confronted by a group (as of friends or family members) whose purpose is to compel the person to acknowledge and deal with the problem".

Israel has a problem, perhaps one many of us share - I know I do.  I aspire to things apart from God.  God is showing His love for Israel in permitting her to bear the consequences of her choices; I pray He show me as much love so that, as the end of today's reading says, I might truly realize "The ways of the Lord are right", and that I might be among "the righteous [that] walk in them".

PS - when we stray, we often stray in the company of others.  And if we are to walk His paths, we cannot do it alone - we need the help of others.  This is why it is important for us to be a part of a group with similar aspirations.  In the NT reading Jude alludes to this - he warns us of associating with "ungodly people who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ as our only Sovereign and Lord." 

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