Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Dec. 12

Psalm 131

In this Psalm David takes the topic of pride and touches on the principle later explained in the NT of God giving grace to those who are humble and resisting those who are prideful.  It is suggested that David wrote this Psalm either on one of the occasions when he was being hunted down by Saul, or as a response to Michal after he danced inappropriately in the streets. Either way, we read about denial of selfish ambition and arrogance and quieting our souls before God. On our women's retreat, we spent a whole weekend being still and quieting our souls before God. David compares this longing to be filled with God's love to a weaned child who would embrace their mother out of a deep desire for closeness because the separation creates anxiety, worry, and lack of comfort.  As I do the readings of the Advent verses, I find myself reminded of the reason God sent His Son, because He so loved the world.  The desire to love was put in us by the God who created us, and Jesus was sent to fill that space.  In the busyness of all that is around us, I pray we take some time in silence, quiet our souls, and embrace the birth of our Savior.


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