Wednesday, December 26, 2018

December 26

Revelation 17, Psalm 145

In chapter 12 we met satan, today we meet "the great prostitute".  In the reading this represents the early Roman empire and the many gods that are worshiped at the time, but we can't just look at the Bible and only see literally. I am certainly no scholar, but it is pretty clear to see there is a darkness that seems to be growing around us, and perhaps when we look at today's reading, we might be able to see the suggestion that "the great prostitute" represents the world system around us which uses immoral means to gain its own pleasure and lure us into a false sense of prosperity and advantage.  So, since it's the day after our Saviour's birth, and we now know how the story really ends, let's lift our hearts up to the Lord.  As we read through Psalm 145, David praises God and we find hope and encouragement knowing that a time will come when all people will join together in recognizing and worshiping God. I found myself focusing on the Psalm this morning and there was great comfort in David's words.  God's Kingdom is everlasting and the Lord is faithful to all his promises.  He is loving toward all He has made. The Lord is near to all who call on Him, He hears us, and He watches over us.  To say "thank you" doesn't even scratch the service of gratitude we have for Jesus.  So let's lift our voices together with David and exalt our God, let's praise His name forever.


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