Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 17

Matthew 12

While we were celebrating Chanukah, my Dad asked me why Jesus' birthday is celebrated on Dec. 25th when we really don't know the exact date of His birth.  In response, I calmly acknowledged he was right and then I asked him why we eat potato pancakes on Chanukah when there's no indication of what was eaten. I gently reminded him that the festival commemorated the rededication of the second temple and according to legend the Jews had risen up against King Antiochus. Potatoes were never mentioned.  Much like the Pharisees in Jesus' day, my Dad was trying to pin me to an obscure point that is not mentioned in the Bible showing more concern about being right than understanding the relationship Jesus offers us.  Just as he missed the point, so did the Pharisees. In today's reading we see some insight into the Pharisees being more concerned about "The Law" and being traditionally correct than seeing Jesus the Messiah. The Messiah who lived among the Pharisees 2000 years ago, lives in our hearts today.  Perhaps the only way people who don't know Jesus will be by seeing Him through us. 


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