Monday, January 8, 2018

bible blog post Monday Jan 8th

A Prayer Of Focus On The Father
Oh Lord, reveal to me how majestic your name is in all the earth.  Show me how powerful your name is above all other names.  I desire to know and experience the majesty and power of your name in my life.  I desire for my heart to praise your majesty from a place of understanding and intimacy not just with thoughtless words or in daily routine.
Lord, help me to know you more by giving me wisdom.  From your mouth I seek knowledge and understanding, for your word promises that through it I will understand not just who your are but also what is right and just and fair – every good path for my life will be made clear and protect and guard me.
Lord, I recognize that one of the biggest obstacles that threatens the peace, joy and intimacy that I and so many I know and love need; is worry.  Lord, my heart is so easily lead astray and distracted by the worry of things past, worry about things happening today, and worry about a tomorrow that isn't even guaranteed to me.  I know that when I worry I am not looking and experiencing your majesty, power, love and grace for me.  My faith is little at those moments and they occur far to often for me, a proclaimed child of my Father in heaven.  Forgive me Father.
Your word tells me, commands me actually: "do not worry about your life…".  Oh how I worry lord.  My worry doesn't help me, it does not bring me aide, it does not add to my life but only seeks to rob me of the joy, peace and hope that I know is to be found in you, in your majesty, your power, your grace, in your name.
How do I stop from worrying Lord?  How do I shed the chains of fear?  I know your wisdom, your word holds the answers.  I know that I need to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness.  I need to seek your majesty and your power.  I need to seek your ever guiding wisdom to guard my course and protect my way from fear, worry, and all things that distract me from you.  You are a good Father who graciously gives to those who ask you and that is a promise I can count on.
So Lord I ask you, I ask you for eyes to see you and to give me a better focus today.  I ask you for a heart that knows you more and for that to bring peace to the uncertainty of my life today.  I ask you for a mind that understands that your paths are trustworthy and lead to victory today.  I ask for a spirit that is able to learn and to trust and is willing to follow you no matter what my surroundings hold today.  I ask you to free me from worry today and fill my heart with all that is good in you.  I ask for your peace and joy to rest upon me in place of worry as I seek to focus on you today.
Lord, I ask you to give me a prayer of praise today that let's me not just say with mere words but to proclaim with passion and understanding, "How Majestic Is Your Name In All The Earth!"
- Amen

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