Wednesday, November 8, 2017

November 8

Hebrews 9

In Exodus 25:9,  God told Moses to build the Tabernacle according to all that He was going to show him. It was built as a sanctuary --  a place for God to dwell with His people.  We learned in Hebrews 8:5 that is was a copy and shadow of what is in heaven.  When we read these verses we see that the sanctuary that was built was never intended as place to be rested in for eternity, but rather as a place to prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah and the preaching of the gospel.  I found myself fascinated when I studied the elements in the Tabernacle, how they were set up, and how each one shadowed the future coming of our Lord.  The day that Jesus died on the cross, the veil, (which was the last station in the tabernacle), was torn from top to bottom (Mark 15:38) so the high priests were no longer the only ones who had access to the Most Holy Place, that place where sacrifices were made in exchange for forgiveness of sin. The gifts and sacrifices that were made by the priests on behalf of the people were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper, only the blood of Jesus can do that and now we can all receive it for ourselves. This passage reminded me of the song we often sing "Come To The Altar".  This is our invitation to approach the throne of mercy and grace, receive forgiveness and enter into a relationship with Jesus.  Oh what a Savior.  Sing Hallelujah!!


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