Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2014

When I read these passages about the garments for the priests and the instructions for the setting up of the tabernacle, I am always in awe of the level of detail given by God. The colors of the threads to be used in the garments and the curtain. The precise measurements and placement of each piece and the scripture says that "Moses did everything just as the Lord commanded him." (Ex 40:16)

I have to believe that God supernaturally caused Moses to remember and retain all of these instructions. In my mind, I picture Moses siting cross-legged on the ground with a notebook on his lap, writing furiously as the Lord is speaking. "Wait a minute. Could you repeat that part about the blue, purple and scarlet yarn one more time?". It just isn't humanly possible to remember all that detail without missing something. And I have no doubt that God would not have tolerated anything missing.

So aren't we told that God will never give us an assignment without equipping us to accomplish it? I seriously doubt that Moses felt up to the task of receiving all of these commands and being confident of completing them unless he knew God and trusted in him. I was just struck by how much Moses' faith had strengthened since God first called him to free the Israelites. Remember how he told God that he couldn't speak to Pharaoh because he wasn't eloquent enough and tried to argue his way out it. Telling God to send someone else. God told Moses that he himself would tell him what to say and would also send Aaron to back him up. Moses went but I think he was dragging his feet a bit. And now look at Moses. I don't remember him arguing with God this time. Now he had no reason to doubt that God would be with him. A good lesson for us all.

Lord, when you ask me to do something, help me to recall those many times that you were there for me in the past. Help me to know that in my strength, I can do nothing. But with you, all things are possible. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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