Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wed 9.24

Isaiah 43:14-45:10, Ephesians 3:1-21, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 24:1-2

I have been a believer and follower of Christ all my life, but in these years I have definitely experienced different seasons. I can think of the times when I was totally on fire and in tune with God. There have been times when I've rebelled, done my own thing, but always kept my foot at the door. Then there are the in between times. The times when I'm in routine, doing what I do, but just being. Praying, going to church, doing Bible study, but withoutg any passion or joy. I've been in one of these seasons this past year (or maybe even longer). There have been people around me that have been praying for me and it's been a comfort knowing that I have been in their circle.

Many of you know that D and I love to travel. Period. We love exploring and figure out a way to make these adventures happen. The weeks that have led up to this adventure have been challenging for me cause I have been faced and dealing with some questions and struggles with God. They are a mix of indifference, TRUST, how to be in constant prayer, to blah-ness, to "alright God, you're there, now what." On this current adventure I have cried, been in total awe of God, been having spiritual heart pains, and learning about trust. I've never doubted that God is Creator, I've always just wondered where do I fit into it?

These chapters in Isaiah have been constant reminders that some of the questions don't matter (yet) but I have to first get back to the basics of Who is God. God declares who He is over and over:
•"I am The Lord, your Holy One, Israel's Creator, your King" ( Is 43:15)
•"I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no other God. Who then is like me?" (Is 44:6-7)
•" I am The Lord who has made all things" (Is 44: 24)
• "I am The Lord, and there is no other; apart from me there is no other God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me, so that from the rising sun to the place of it's setting men may know there is none besides me. I am The Lord, and there is no other. (Is 45:5-6)

On this little adventure we are on, God has revealed himself in so many ways and I think I have been ready to listen. I think my heart has been yearning to hear him. He has shown himself in His word. Isaiah. He has challenged me in the 40 days of prayer. Draw the Circle will be a part of my journey in the years to come. Physically He reveals himself in full GLORY in his creation. Alaska. Psalm 68 talks about majestic mountains who "gaze in the mountains where God chooses to reign, where The Lord himself will dwell forever...(Ps 68:16). The mountains here are like nothing I have ever seen. Verse 8 talks about the earth shaking and the heavens poring rain. We experienced both while here. We felt a 6.1 earthquake this morning. God is more powerful.

I know I'm a work in progress (Is 43:18) and it's the "gift of God's grace given [to] me" (Eph 3:7) that makes the transformation. I know that I am in awe of the Creator and that He shows His glory through everything that surrounds me. I know that I am a piece that shows His grace and I pray I give Him the glory.

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