Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 19

Matthew 12 Your New Family


Rudyard Kipling once wrote about families, "all of us are we -- and everyone else is they." A family shares things like dreams, hopes, tears, laughter, memories, sadness and gladness. They are there for you during all of the ups and downs of life.  A family is a clan held together with the glue of love and cemented by the bonds of respect and commitment. A family is shelter from the storm, a friendly port when the waves of life overwhelm the boat. A family is a place you can turn to when you are overwhelmed by the complexities of life. No person who is a member of a family is ever alone.


That is a beautiful description of Grace Church. I have been blessed with two families. I have a wonderful real family and an equally astounding church family.


In Matthew 12 Jesus is talking with the crowds and someone tells him his mother and brothers are outside wanting to talk with him. It is interesting that Matthew uses this word "outside."  If they were truly supportive of what Jesus was doing, doesn't it stand to reason that they would have been "inside?"


Jesus, at that moment, takes the idea of family and expands it for all believers. He says that once you become a committed disciple, you are adopted into a family of faith. This new group of believers becomes your spiritual brothers and sisters and they take on all the characteristics of a real family.


Over the past few months I have seen an incredible display of family sacrifice and love in our church. It is staggering to contemplate the acts of service and love that have been poured out on people in our church.


I would like to chronicle these sacrificial acts of love shown to the Gropps and the Smiths.

Enormous prayers of faith at all times of the day, even in the middle of the night.

Phone calls, texts, notes, Christmas chains and email.

Meals delivered.

Hospital visits.

Days of prayer and fasting.

Airport runs.

Hanging out with someone so they would not be alone.

Late night visits to the pharmacy.

Help with paying bills.

Financial gifts.

Inviting over for dinner.

Taking out for dinner.

Food and coffee brought to the hospital.

Prayer and kindness shown to hospital staff.

Visits to Claire.

Birthday parties held for Clair and Shawn.
At the risk of using too many superlatives let me just say I am so proud to be pastor of Grace Church.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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