Friday, July 5, 2013

Fwd: 7/5/13

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From: Travis <>
Date: July 5, 2013 1:55:33 PM EDT
To: Scott Taylor <>, Chuck Goulart <>, Apryl Steinmetz <>
Subject: 7/5/13

I am fascinated by Ancestors. Every time I think about it, I get excited! In the last year, I have started to create my family tree, and I found out a lot through it. It started about 2 years ago, when Apryl's dad started working on their family history. It's kinda cool, he was able to trace their line crack to something around 500AD! Through this search, he was able to discover that their family is directly related to the famous pastor, Jonathan Edwards, one of the pillar between the great awakening in America, probably the largest revival in our history. (note: this also makes her related to Steve Edwards) She is also directly descended from William Brewster, who was one of the Pilgrims that came to this country in 1620 to seek out religious freedom. He was their minister. There is a lot of other interesting things in her line, including several kings and queens of England, but I will not get into that. So that is was got me started. I began searching out my family line, and found out that my great, great, great, etc uncle is President John Adams, that one of my direct family lines were from Connecticut, that my ancestors, the Laroux's were British officers in the revolutionary war, and that they fled this country for fear of imprisonment, and moved to Canada, where, because of their allegiance to the King, they were given 100 acres of land. They eventually moved west, back into America, which is how they came to Michigan. Lots of awesomeness. My dad's family were from Luxumburg, with a stop in Holland on their way to Wisconsin, although Steinmetz is a Bavarian name, so i'm sure my origins go back to Bavaria. My great, great, great grandfather fought in the Civil war. This list goes on and on...
The thing that is awesome about our reading today, to me, is that the people mentioned in the first couple chapters of Chronicles, are all branches of a family tree., and they kept so good records! I have had to dig and dig to find my history even a few hundred years back, but this list is thousands upon thousands of years! I am amazed by this.

Sent from my iPad

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