Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday November 26th

I found it a bit ironic that on this Cyber Shopping Monday we read a verse that warns us not to indulge in the sinful nature but rather to serve one another in love.  Oh, I know that giving gifts can be an act of love.  It is a way that we can show people we thought about them and that they mean something to us.  But, I was reminded by my teenage daughter who was visiting from college what should matter more then gifts under the tree.  When I asked her for her Christmas list (for the 8th or 9th time) she responded by telling me, "I don't need anything.  Why do we have to give unnecessary gifts anyway?  I would rather have people give me the gift of their time.  That would mean more to me."  Don't get her wrong she still does like gifts but I think she struck to the heart of each of us.  She struck to the heart of this verse in Galatians.  Serve others according to their needs and you have truly giving the greatest gift you can give.  I can serve my daughter in love by giving of my time faithfully (not just at Christmas to check off my to do list).
I have to tell you that serving on a constant basis seems like a daunting task.  Tiresome and weary is how I picture myself after just a few days (ok maybe a week).  How will my needs get met?  What if they don't act grateful for what I have done? When will I be able to take a break?  How long and how many people to I have to serve?  What if I get tired or bored? When will it be my turn to be on the receiving end?  Before I even get started my mind fills with self-indulgent questions that can stop me before I even get started.  These self-centered questions rob me of the joy of meeting someone else's need.  They rob me of the peace that serving can bring to a relationship.  They rob me of the opportunity to learn and practice patience while giving others what they so deeply need.  These questions rob me of the opportunity to practice kindness and goodness to those who truly mean the world to me and even more so to those I may not know but who need to finally experience what it is to be loved just because.  My self-indulgent questions hinder a spirit of faithfulness and they show a heart that doesn't trust the Lord to provide for my own needs.  These questions lack a gentleness of heart as well as self control.  The focus is all wrong. 
What I need to remember is that I am not called to serve in my own strength.  I have a resource that is greater then Google and more abundant then the warehouses of  I have the Holy Spirit in me and with that comes an endless supply of his fruits that will meet my deepest needs as I serve to meet the needs of others.  I have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control living within me through the Holy Spirit.  Through my service he will supply to others the resources they need as well as what I need.  Through serving, the fruits of the spirit within me will blossom more and more, fill me more and more.  To think only of my own needs simply robs me and many others of such abundant riches.
So, during this Christmas Season as we continue to shop for the gifts on those Christmas lists don't forget to give the gift that truly does keep on giving, and that Christ is calling us to give even long after December 25th is over: The gift of service.
Don't let "self" rob you of the greatest treasure you could experience this Christmas and beyond.  It won't always be easy but if we remember to pray and ask God to help us shed anything that would hinder the fruit of the spirit from pouring out of our lives and into the lives of others then I think we have a good chance at making a good start in giving other's, like my daughter, the things they truly desire this year.
On a side note: Just curious how anybody did with last weeks challenge?
Do you recognize Jesus?  Were you able to see Jesus in disguise?  Did you see him in ways you haven't before and serve him in ways that were new, and possibly challenging? 
If not don't worry.  Try again this week.  Now you can arm yourself with the fruit of the spirit and serve God by serving others in so many new and glorious ways. 

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