Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28

Crimes Against the Person
I have something to confess: There are a lot of things in the Bible that I don't understand. There, I said it. I suspect that my confession is not too shocking since I'm sure all of you can understand how I feel!
When reading today's passage, I ran into something that confused me: the presence of slavery. There are laws recorded that describe the consequences for maiming or permanently injuring one's slave. I certainly can't help but wonder if this means that God condones the institution of slavery since there are laws referencing its existence. I know that many antireligious figures (Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, etc.) have cited verses like these in order to discredit Christianity and the loving God that we worship. I'm sure that they wonder how a God who claims to love all people seems to allow such an appalling establishment as slavery to take place.
When I read something that confuses me, it's easy for me to begin doubting the truth in the Bible. One thing that helps me from going down that road is to focus on God's character. (1) I know that He is all knowing. Since I am far from all knowing, it's a given that there will be things in the Bible that are either difficult to understand or impossible to understand with my inferior human mind. (2) I know that God is loving. This means that He desires to give good and perfect gifts to all His people. (3) I know that God is holy. He cannot and will not overlook or allow any form of sin to take place without consequences. When I focus on some of the characteristics of God, then the answer becomes clear. Does the fact that slavery is mentioned in the Bible mean that God condones it? The answer must be without a doubt absolutely positively not!!!
I definitely don't have all the answers but there are somethings that I know without a doubt: God is loving and holy and wise. Even when I don't understand something I read, I trust that His ways are higher than mine. I also trust that He wants to reveal Himself to me so that I can know and understand Him better everyday. I encourage you to trust in His wisdom and goodness if you are confused or start to doubt.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

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