Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15 Deut 1- 4:40 (ish)

February 15
Deut 1- 4:40 (ish)
Well, if you're anything like me, you must have some really marked up pages!  I love writing in my Bible.  Love underlining and making notes, circling and of course using different colors J  Good stuff in these first four chapters of Deuteronomy…like an anthem of the Israeli nation thus far.  Battles have been won, land is already being divided between the tribes, and the Promised Land is within reach and view.  Talk about chills!!!!  Moses, their great leader is very old by now, but still addressing the millions before him.  We're gonna look at three parts tonight: Moses, Israel, and God.
Moses:  Bob Daniel brought up a serious question and concern that I wondered too.  I don't know the answer, but this is my thought.  If you disagree or have more knowledge than me, please let me know.  I have been praying about this all day.  It sounds like Moses is not taking responsibility for his sin and his faults from the past and blaming the Israeli people for God's anger against him and why he will never enter the Promised Land.  We see this in 1:37, 3:26, and 4:21 ("The Lord as angry with me because of you…") Moses recognizes and acknowledges his punishment from God because of his sin from Numbers 20:10-13 (Feb 10th.) But he directs all blame to the nation.  Remember it was the people who complained and complained about everything: no food and no water, even though they should have had faith that God would supply their every need.  It was because they complained in the first place, that Moses spoke to God for them asking for water.  So I wonder if Moses is thinking, "Well, because you did this, I did this, and I was punished…"  just an idea. I'm can't imagine the yearning Moses had to enter the land.  He had invested the last 4 decades to this conquest, but he can't enter.  At one point we even see him pleading with God (how many times have we just ached for something?) and God said N-O….stop asking.  (I have heard that one before too.:)  Instead of being angry at God, rejecting God, or jealous of those who will enter, we see Moses wise, faithful, and obedient.  He encourages and builds up his successor (Joshua) and joyfully prepares the people for the promises that are ahead.  That is amazing leadership.    
Israel:  In these chapters we see a recap of the past 40 years from when they left Egypt.  Moses repeats the Covenant God made with Abraham In 1: 8 – 10 ish that they would be a great nation and inherit the land He promised them.  We see the structure of their nation: tribes, judges, and the leadership.  We see the people flip back and forth, obedient and disobedient.  Faithful to God and doubting God.  (the never-ending saga of the Israelites, and we can fit right in there too!) We see them blessed and we see that God is on there side.  They were delivered and God was always faithful to them.  We also see the warnings from Moses…almost like a father speaking to his child getting ready to enter the real world.  Beware of idols and false teachings, but teach to your children and our children's children everything that you have seen and been apart of so they will stay away from anything that is not glorify God.  Deut 4:25 -31 is foreshadowing or prophecy of what awaits Israel centuries to come: the Assyrians and the Babylonians will capture and scatter the tribes.  They will became slaves again and lose the land that they were about to inherit.  Later in the 1st century AD, another great diaspora will take place and again, the Jewish nation will scatter to the ends of the earth. 
God:  We see many faces and attributes of God: God keeps His promises (ALL of them!!!)  Provider (He gives food, water, and land.)  He goes ahead of us and sets a way.  He does not listen to disobedience (He turns a deaf ear to complaining after disobedience)   He watches over us and is with us.  Wrath…He punishes and judges the wicked and unbelievers.  Is near when we pray.  Expects and wants obedience from us.  "The Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God."  We will find Him when we seek Him with all our heart and with all our soul.  "The Lord our God is a Merciful God; He will not abandon or destroy you of forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath" (4: 31) Revealed Himself through miraculous events so He and His name would be known (glory).  Has great strength.  He is in Heaven and here on earth.  There is no other.  Amen.   

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