Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July 22

Psalm 18

This is perhaps one of my favorite Psalms. David wrote this Psalm when the Lord delivered him from the hand of Saul. See one thing David knew was that God was his refuge. He knew that only God could and would save him from his enemies. In my Bible, this Psalm has tear stains, notes, praises, and heartfelt worship for every time I felt "the cords of the grave coiled around me and the snares of death confronting me" (v4-5).There is a memory for every time I found myself in an unjust situation and I was on my knees crying out to the Lord for justice and mercy and He heard me. I have watched His hand part the heavens and scatter my enemies in very difficult situations. Through His word I have seen his beauty and glory and I worship with a passion that often moves me to tears. As a wife and a parent, there is nothing I wouldn't do and no mountain I wouldn't move to protect my family and come to their rescue, but I realize that it isn't me who is moving mountains, it's God.  He hears our heart filled cries and prayers and in His sovereignty works all things for the good of those who love Him.  I encourage you to read this Psalm and allow the Spirit of God to move through you knowing that there is nothing our Heavenly Father wouldn't do to protect and rescue us. 


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