Friday, July 10, 2020

July 10: Of Stormy Nights, Finger Pointing and Reform

1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14
Acts 27:21-44
Psalm 8:1-9
Proverbs 18:23-24

There were 276 people on that boat, in that storm.  The storm, the reason why they "finally gave up all hope of being saved".  Can you imagine the scene when Paul spoke up, and said "I told you so"?  "You should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete…"

The muttering: "He TOLD us NOT to leave."  "How did he know?" "Why didn't we listen?"

There might have been some finger pointing as well.  The centurion might have heard them, and said "don't look at me - the owner said to go."  The owner might then have turned to the pilot and said "he told me it was ok".  

At that point, though, what was important?  Regret?  Recrimination?  No.  Far better: repentance and reform.  Yeah, they were in the thick of it, but after a few more nights in the storm, they repented of their disregard for Paul, and reformed - they listened to him. 

Why then, though?  Why couldn't they have listened to him earlier?  Probably because they didn't know him.  It was only after they realized he knew what he was talking about that they got to know him well enough to be wiling to listen.  Which is why Paul, in turn, wasn't afraid - he had listened to God, which he could do because he'd gotten to know God.  

I take away a couple of things from this, both of which are still so frustratingly very difficult for me.  

  1. When caught in a bad situation because I did the wrong thing, because I didn't listen?  No recrimination.  No finger pointing.  Repent, reform.  
  2. And to better recognize God's instructions, I have to get to know Him better.  

As frustrating as it is I still haven't learned those seemingly simple lessons, I take away a couple of encouraging points as well:

  1. It doesn't matter how bad things get - God saves.
  2. And if someone like a murdering Saul can turn into a listening Paul, then there certainly is hope for me.

Father, if Saul could do it, so can I - but like Saul, only by Your Spirit.  Give me such a hunger to know You it is becomes the purpose of my day, so like Paul, I recognize Your voice.  And when I sin, give me the desire not to run from, but to return to You.

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