Monday, January 27, 2020

bible blog post Monday January 27th

Using Our "Can't Do Lists"  (Exodus 4:1-11)

What are your short comings?  What talents DON"T you have?  What skill are you lacking?  There may be an exception or two to my next statement but for the most part we all have a list tucked in the back of our minds of the things we can't do, the things we don't do well, and the short comings we have.  Some of our lists are longer than others.  We can often produce these lists for people at a moments notice when a conversation comes up about a need or area of life or service that could use some help in which we feel we are not qualified to be a part of.  Sometime the list is used simply when we really don't want to do things because it's outside our comfort zone or takes us away from other places or things that we enjoy more.

In Exodus 4:10, after God has revealed an opportunity for Moses to be of service, Moses breaks out his short list of his lacking abilities, "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant.  I am slow of speech and tongue."  God was calling Moses to be the voice for the Israelites in Egypt.  To speak on behalf of God in order to bring freedom to the captive.  Moses didn't use the word no as his responses, instead he chose to give his list of can't do's to reveal to God the error in his choosing Moses for the task.  Not only was Moses being called to a task he didn't feel equipped to do but he was also being called to go back to a place that he was afraid to go to, his history in Egypt wasn't so great.

When God opens up doors of opportunity we, like Moses, can break out our "Can't do lists".  Our fears, inabilities, lack of comfort and so on can cloud our minds and cause us to remind God, and others, of why we are not "good for the job".  But God's response to Moses is something each of us need to stamp on our "Can't Do Lists".  Exodus 4:11, "The LORD said to him, 'Who gave man his mouth?  Who makes him deaf or mute?  Who gives him sight or makes him blind?  Is it not I, the LORD?  Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."  When opportunities present themselves to us we don't need to remind God or others of what we can't do we need to remind ourselves of what God can do if we trust him to work in us.  God always equips those he calls.

In Noah, God called a landlocked man with no ship building skills to build an ark to save mankind.  In Gideon, God called a cowardly farmer to be a mighty general who lead an army in victory and bring freedom to a people.  In David, God called a teenage shepherd boy to be a warrior and kill a giant that threatened the captivity of his people.  In Peter, God called a fisherman to be the rock on which the gospel message would spread and lives would be saved.  Today in Exodus we see how God called a man, Moses, with a speech impediment to be his voice and free the captives.  God calls people to join him and to have a part in the saving and leading of lives.  What an honor.

Serving, living life by God's leading, is not about us and our abilities as much as it is about our obedience and willing hearts to serve the Lord wherever and however he should call us.  Our "Can't Do Lists" only serve to qualify us for service to the Lord.  God has a habit of using what the world deems as under qualified to go out into the world and to be his voice, his hands, his feet, to be a light for him.  We don't need to posses the skills or the light we just need to be obedient and trust him as he will give us what we need.

God is calling each of us.  He is ready to equip are you ready to trust Him however he may choose?

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