Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Bible Blog Post 1/21/2020

Genesis 42:18-43:34

Matthew 13:47-14:12

Psalm 18:16-36

Proverbs 4:7-10

We all have the power of choice within us to honor God and stay in good faith.  There are times when we are mistreated by others, or endure unfavorable circumstances, but through these experiences God is working.  He does not want us to experience hardship out of malice, but certain lessons and transformations require these times of adversity; whether they are shaping you, someone else, or even the people who you will one day encounter, He is continuously at work, looking at the blueprint of his plan with full confidence from an aerial view.  He is not a God of "I told you so", but rather, a God of "You have learned, now let me continue to guide you."

In Genesis, you can witness the power of guilt, and how even good things can be viewed with skepticism when you have guilt weighing you down from sins of the past.  This inner turmoil can continuously eat away at you and contort your way of thinking, but it can also be released into the hands of God by simply asking for forgiveness and asking for him to lead the way.  He's our father, he wants us to succeed and cleanse our hearts of remorse and guilt. He does not want us to lead lives inhibited by these things; he wants us to emit and accept love into our lives and the lives of those around us.  However, when we pray for change, it may not be the way that we envisioned, for God's plan is far greater than anything we could ever conceptualize; while our visions of what we see for ourselves and our future are limited, he often has something much greater in store for us, though the path may not be as clear cut as we would like.  

Matthew 13:58 "And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith."  We must actively seek, honor and give thanks to God. Not only is it our duty to be faithful and accept the Lord into our lives, but we must join together as a community of people who embody His love and His word.  This made me think of when Pastor Chris talked about community on Sunday, and how there will inevitably be periods of discomfort as the [human] stones grind and come together, piece by piece, creating a human temple, a "community of faith"; but through that discomfort something truly beautiful is created, within us and around us.

Psalms 18:16 "He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters."  Just as he reaches down to us, we must also reach out for Him like an infant reaching out to its father. God knows that we will make mistakes and dishonor him throughout our lifetimes, whether it is intentional or not, but just as he stands true to His word that we will not be judged by the laws of the land, He also stands true in His everlasting love and hope for us.  He's a God of our people, He's a God of our land, He's the true essence of love; He is in each and every one of us - humans, animals, and nature alike - and His light will always prevail.

Heavenly father,  I pray to you and ask for your continued guidance through life, your mercy when we fall, and your love and hope in us as we pray for change and betterment in our lives.


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