Monday, January 20, 2020

bible blog post Monday January 20th

"Got Wisdom?"  (Proverbs 4:5-6)

I love the truths found in the words of Proverbs 4:5-6, "Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them.  Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her and she will watch over you."

Years ago I recognized that I lacked wisdom, biblical wisdom particularly.  I longed to have a greater understanding of God's words.  That is when I came across a life altering verse in James 1:5, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it WILL BE given to you. I read this verse with eager excitement as it was a promise that I could take hold of.  I lacked wisdom and because of the redemptive work of Christ on the cross I could stand before the throne of grace faultless in the eyes of God and I could ask for his generous wisdom to be given to me.  That is exactly what I did and that is exactly what I continue to do.  Guess what?  God has been faithful to keep his promise.  I am no theologian or biblical scholar but I am a child of God who continues to be awed by the things the Lord reveals in his word to me.  The wisdom the Lord is eager and ready to impart on those who seek to "get it", as Proverbs 4 encourages, is abundant, rich, and fulfilling.  It guides, encourages, convicts, imparts love, reveals grace, and on and on I could go.

Proverbs 4 implores you and I to "Get Wisdom" and James 1 tells how and promises us that it will be given, we simply need to ask with open and ready hearts.  I encourage each of us to listen to the promptings of Proverbs 4 and go to the throne of grace, present yourselves as worthy because of the blood of Christ, and ask for God to give you generously of his wisdom because his words says he will. 

You do have a part two in this "Getting Wisdom" and that is spending time reading God's word, studying it, ask question about what you have read, talk to others about it, stay connected to this blog, go to other words find ways for God to show you things in his word that will be new/revealing and give him opportunity to impart the wisdom you have asked for. 

God gives us promises for us to lean on and to seek out.  Don't hesitate, take a moment seek, ask, and get some wisdom for yourself.

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