Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday December 10th Live to Give

Live to Give!
We are smack in the middle of what has been dubbed the "Season of Giving."  Only fitting that smack in the middle of our reading today is another short little line that has struck me, even though I have heard and said it many times:
"It is more blessed to give than to receive."  -  Acts 20:35
Paul was quoting Jesus, the greatest example of what it means to truly give.  After that day he encountered Jesus, Paul lived a life of giving that mimicked Christ.  Paul followed Christ's example of giving and knew the true meaning behind…
"It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Let me pause for a moment and ask a question:
"Is your life a gift to others?"  I didn't ask if in your life you give gifts to others but rather, "Is your life a gift to others?"  There is a huge difference between the two!!!
Back to Paul…
Paul is not speaking about just giving a gift.  Paul was about to enter Jerusalem where he knew hardship and possible death awaited him.  But he did not hoard his life.  He did not think to try to hold onto what precious little time he might have left.  No, Paul wanted to give it all away because he knew that there was a greater blessing to be had then self-centered gain.  A greater blessing than merely giving a gift.
Paul was bringing a gift that people didn't even know they needed.  He was bringing the gift of life, life eternal through the message of the gospel, through the story of Christ's birth, life and resurrection.  He brought that gift in actions as well as in words.  In everything he did he did it for the glory of God and for the advancing of God's kingdom.  He loved people and gave them his time, attention, and love.  He built relationships.  When he left Tyre all the disciples, their wives and their children went to pray with him and to see him off knowing this was most likely the last time they would see him (Acts 21:1-6).  Only people that make a huge impact on other people's lives, who give their lives whole-heartedly to others get that kind of a send off.
Back to you…
What are you giving during this "Season of Giving?"  Better yet, what have you been giving during this "Season of Giving?"  I believe Paul wanted us to see that our entire lifetime is supposed to be one big continuous "Season of Giving."  It shouldn't be reserved for just Christmas time.
In order for us to live a life as a gift for others, to live our lives as a "Season of Giving" it will require sacrifice.  What could a life lived as a gift to other look like?  Here are a few ideas:
1.     Instead of watching the big game on TV you go and visit a shut in who is alone most of the time.  Simply listen to them share about their lives and share with them your life and the impact that the Lord has had on it.
2.     Instead of going out to dinner stay home and invite a neighbor or co-worker over who you know doesn't go out much.  Pray out loud before your meal and thank the Lord for the blessing that person is in your life.
3.     Rather then spend time on the computer send a tired mother and father off for an hour or two to get coffee while you watch the kids for them.
4.     When a parent of your child's classmate has car trouble and can't get to work take 10 minutes of your time and offer to drive them.  Who knows how God will use that time.
5.     Take half the money you have been saving for that big trip you've longed for and give it to a teen so that they can attend a Young Life trip in the summer.  After they come back have them over and ask them about their week.  Who knows how God could use you in their life.
6.     Send a card to that person who has hurt you, who has offended you, who has made you feel taken advantage of and tell them you are sorry for holding onto the ill feelings.  Ask them to forgive you for not forgiving them.  Explain to them how you realize that God died for all your wrongs and with that he forgave you, so how can you not have that same forgiveness in your heart for others.
We need to learn to see the needs in people's lives around us and we need to be willing to be the hand of Christ in their lives.  We need to let our lives be a gift to whomever God puts in our path.
The blessing?  I think it is two fold: First we are blessed with the knowledge that our lives have been a beacon for God's glory to others.  Through our selfless giving God can bring hearts to him and grow his Kingdom, there truly is nothing more awesome.  You are using your earthly life to help ensure an eternal one for someone else.  There is no greater blessing then that.  The second blessing is yet to come: we will be blessed once our gift (our life) is no longer needed here and the Lord calls us home to heaven where unimaginable blessing awaits us.  Paul said it himself:
Philippians 1:21
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."
It's great to give presents during this Christmas season but I hope that the spirit of giving will settle into my heart and find a home.  I hope the spirit of giving will fill my life so that everyday of next year my life will be a gift to every person I meet.  That will take a huge sacrifice of self and whole lot of grace from God but I am excited to think about the possibilities of what God can do if I do let go of my wants and live to give.
Are you ready to be more blessed by living to give?  What are you willing to sacrifice so that others will find life in the Lord?  It won't be easy but it will sooooo be worth it!!!

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