Wednesday, December 16, 2020

December 16

Psalm 135

I've come to a point where I just don't understand anything that is going on around me. I don't understand why one of my best friends was just diagnosed with blood cancer, or why the young teacher I work with has to go through surgery to remove tumors that the doctor found. I don't understand why the entire 5th grade wing had to be exposed to Covid. The list is pretty long but basically I'm just at a loss. As a parent drove through the pick up line at dismissal today she stopped and briefly shared her bewilderment at life and in a short conversation we both shared our faith and came to the conclusion that we're not called to understand. I wasn't sure what to write about today, and the first words in today's Psalm have been on my heart all day. "Praise the Lord". The Psalm goes on to repeat those words multiple times. As I let the words sink into my spirit I started to sense that God wants my praise in the midst of everything I don't understand. I kept rereading verse 14, "For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants". So in the midst of everything I don't understand, God is present. God is with my friend, my teacher, the fifth graders, their teachers and families and everyone else on my "I just don't understand" list. So as I sit here listening to different songs with verses that remind me to  "Praise the Lord", I feel a sense of peace and I sense God's presence. As hard as it might be right now, take some time and just "Praise the Lord".


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